We have developed different photoacoustic molecular imaging technologies, with the emphasis on improving detection sensitivity and imaging depth. For example, we developed reversible photoacoustic molecular imaging, based on a genetically encoded non-fluorescent near-infrared bacterial phytochrome. This technology enables single-wavelength differential imaging that substantially enhances detection sensitivity to tens of cancer cells and achieves sub-optical-diffraction resolution. With these technology advancements, photoacoustic molecular imaging gains the sufficient sensitivity to detect tumor metastasis and tissue hypoxia in vivo.
Selected Publications:
- J. Brunker , J. Yao , J. Laufer , S. E. Bohndiek, ‘Photoacoustic imaging using genetically expressed reporters: a review’, Journal of Biomedial Optics, 2017, 22 (7), 070901-070901
- J. Yao, Andrii Kaberniuk, Lei Li , Daria Shcherbakova , Ruiying Zhang , Lidai Wang , Guo Li , Vladislav Verkhusha, Lihong Wang, ‘Reversibly switchable photoacoustic tomography using bacterial phytochrome as a genetically-encoded near-infrared photochromic probe’, Nature Methods, 13(1), 2016, 67-73.
- J. Yao, Xia, J., Maslov, K.I., Nasiriavanaki, M., et al., “Noninvasive photoacoustic computed tomography of mouse brain metabolism in vivo”, Neuroimage, 2013. 64(1): p. 257-266.
- [Zhang, Y., J. Yao], Chi Zhang, Lei Li, Lihong V. Wang, Younan Xia, ‘Optical-Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy for Volumetric and Spectral Analysis of Histological and Immunochemical Samples’, Angewandte Chemie, 2014, 53 (31), p. 8099-8103
