Functional photoacoustic microscopy of pH.

TitleFunctional photoacoustic microscopy of pH.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsMR Chatni, J Yao, A Danielli, CP Favazza, KI Maslov, and LV Wang
JournalJournal of biomedical optics
Start Page100503
Date Published10/2011

pH is a tightly regulated indicator of metabolic activity. In mammalian systems, an imbalance of pH regulation may result from or result in serious illness. In this paper, we report photoacoustic microscopy (PAM) of a commercially available pH-sensitive fluorescent dye (SNARF-5F carboxylic acid) in tissue phantoms. We demonstrated that PAM is capable of pH imaging in absolute values at tissue depths of up to 2.0 mm, greater than possible with other forms of optical microscopy.

Short TitleJournal of biomedical optics