Fast voice-coil scanning optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy.

TitleFast voice-coil scanning optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsL Wang, K Maslov, J Yao, B Rao, and LV Wang
JournalOptics letters
Start Page139
Pagination139 - 141
Date Published01/2011

We developed a photoacoustic imaging system that has real-time imaging capability with optical resolution. The imaging system is capable of scanning at 20 Hz over a 9 mm range and up to 40 Hz over a 1 mm scanning range. A focused laser beam provides a lateral resolution of 3.4 μm as measured in an optically nonscattering medium. Flows of micrometer-sized carbon particles or whole blood in a silicone tube and individual red blood cells (RBCs) in mouse ear capillaries were also imaged in real time, demonstrating the capability to image highly dynamic processes in vivo at a micrometer-scale resolution.

Short TitleOptics letters