Sub-Nanometer Thick Wafer-Size NiO Films with Room-Temperature Ferromagnetic Behavior.

TitleSub-Nanometer Thick Wafer-Size NiO Films with Room-Temperature Ferromagnetic Behavior.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsJ Wang, L Ma, X Wang, X Wang, J Yao, Q Yi, R Tang, and G Zou
JournalAngewandte Chemie (International ed. in English)
Start Page25020
Pagination25020 - 25027
Date Published11/2021

Adding ferromagnetism into semiconductors attracts much attentions due to its potential usage of magnetic spins in novel devices, such as spin field-effect transistors. However, it remains challenging to stabilize their ferromagnetism above room temperature. Here we introduce an atomic chemical-solution strategy to grow wafer-size NiO thin films with controllable thickness down to sub-nanometer scale (0.92 nm) for the first time. Surface lattice defects break the magnetic symmetry of NiO and produce surface ferromagnetic behaviors. Our sub-nanometric NiO thin film exhibits the highest reported room-temperature ferromagnetic behavior with a saturation magnetization of 157 emu/cc and coercivity of 418 Oe. Attributed to wafer size, the easily-transferred NiO thin film is further verified in a magnetoresistance device. Our work provides a sub-nanometric platform to produce wafer-size ferromagnetic NiO thin films as atomic layer magnetic units in future transparent magnetoelectric devices.

Short TitleAngewandte Chemie (International ed. in English)