High-speed label-free functional photoacoustic microscopy of mouse brain in action.

TitleHigh-speed label-free functional photoacoustic microscopy of mouse brain in action.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsJ Yao, L Wang, J-M Yang, KI Maslov, TTW Wong, L Li, C-H Huang, J Zou, and LV Wang
JournalNature methods
Start Page407
Pagination407 - 410
Date Published05/2015

We present fast functional photoacoustic microscopy (PAM) for three-dimensional high-resolution, high-speed imaging of the mouse brain, complementary to other imaging modalities. We implemented a single-wavelength pulse-width-based method with a one-dimensional imaging rate of 100 kHz to image blood oxygenation with capillary-level resolution. We applied PAM to image the vascular morphology, blood oxygenation, blood flow and oxygen metabolism in both resting and stimulated states in the mouse brain.

Short TitleNature methods