EGFR in enterocytes & endothelium and HIF1α in enterocytes are dispensable for massive small bowel resection induced angiogenesis.

TitleEGFR in enterocytes & endothelium and HIF1α in enterocytes are dispensable for massive small bowel resection induced angiogenesis.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsEJ Onufer, B Aladegbami, T Imai, K Seiler, A Bajinting, C Courtney, S Sutton, A Bustos, J Yao, C-H Yeh, A Sescleifer, LV Wang, J Guo, and BW Warner
JournalPloS one
Start Pagee0236964
Date Published01/2020

<h4>Background</h4>Short bowel syndrome (SBS) results from significant loss of small intestinal length. In response to this loss, adaptation occurs, with Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) being a key driver. Besides enhanced enterocyte proliferation, we have revealed that adaptation is associated with angiogenesis. Further, we have found that small bowel resection (SBR) is associated with diminished oxygen delivery and elevated levels of hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF1α).<h4>Methods</h4>We ablated EGFR in the epithelium and endothelium as well as HIF1α in the epithelium, ostensibly the most hypoxic element. Using these mice, we determined the effects of these genetic manipulations on intestinal blood flow after SBR using photoacoustic microscopy (PAM), intestinal adaptation and angiogenic responses. Then, given that endothelial cells require a stromal support cell for efficient vascularization, we ablated EGFR expression in intestinal subepithelial myofibroblasts (ISEMFs) to determine its effects on angiogenesis in a microfluidic model of human small intestine.<h4>Results</h4>Despite immediate increased demand in oxygen extraction fraction measured by PAM in all mouse lines, were no differences in enterocyte and endothelial cell EGFR knockouts or enterocyte HIF1α knockouts by POD3. Submucosal capillary density was also unchanged by POD7 in all mouse lines. Additionally, EGFR silencing in ISEMFs did not impact vascular network development in a microfluidic device of human small intestine.<h4>Conclusions</h4>Overall, despite the importance of EGFR in facilitating intestinal adaptation after SBR, it had no impact on angiogenesis in three cell types-enterocytes, endothelial cells, and ISEMFs. Epithelial ablation of HIF1α also had no impact on angiogenesis in the setting of SBS.

Short TitlePloS one